Covid-19 update 4: Essential meetings for up to 30 delegates can go ahead

Today’s blog is to update you on small meetings and how they can go ahead. Information is from the hospitality association HBAA: 

 Hotels and other guest accommodation, unless the exemptions set out in law apply - for example where these act as someone’s main residence, where people cannot return home, for homeless people, or where it is necessary to stay there for work purposes. These businesses and places will also be permitted to be open for a small number of exempt activities, including: 

  • education and training (including for schools to use sports and leisure facilities where that it forms part of their normal provision) 

  • blood donation and food banks 

  • for the purposes of professional film and TV filming   

Guidance updates Q&As 

 Q: Can food and drink can be served at a business meeting of 30 people during the period of the new restrictions? 

A:  Basic catering and light refreshments can be provided where reasonably required at business meetings (for up to 30 people) and at education, work and training events. Food and drink should be served in the room where the meeting takes place and consumed by attendees while they are seated. We expect people to act reasonably and responsibly so the purpose of the meeting should not be the meal itself and private dining/banqueting should still not be happening.  

Q: Are business meetings of 30 still permitted in meeting venues and hotel event spaces? 

A: Business meetings and events are advised against but may take place with up to a total of 30 people if reasonably necessary - for example for the purposes of work that cannot be done at home - if social distancing can be maintained and the venue can demonstrate it has followed the COVID-19 guidance. 

Event spaces, including in conference centres and exhibition halls, can be used for reasons permitted by law, including for business events of up to 30 where reasonably necessary, for education and training purposes where reasonably necessary, or to provide socially beneficial public services such as Nightingale hospitals or food banks. Conference centres and exhibition halls should remain closed for conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, private dining or banqueting events.   

Q: Are there any restrictions on the purpose of work for people using hotel accommodation during the lockdown? (i.e.., essential workers or all people travelling for work and education) 

A: Anyone who needs accommodation for the purposes of their work may stay in guest accommodation. There is no legal definition of 'work' i.e. no restriction to only allow key workers as there was during the initial national lockdown. 

  Q. What is the definition of “work” as a reason for stays in B&B or hotels? 

A: Anyone who needs accommodation for the purposes of their work may stay in guest accommodation. There is no legal definition of 'work' i.e. no restriction to only allow key workers as there was during the initial national lockdown. 

 We are hoping 2021 will be a safer year for face to face meetings, if you are thinking of putting together your external events calendar we would love to help and chat through ideas and options. We are social beings and are looking forward to being able to meet again soon! 

Best wishes and stay safe!  

 Nicky and Helen 


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