Steel Events

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Hosting Greener Meetings

Hope you are all well. We are now a couple of weeks post COP26 in Glasgow, which has highlighted the need for us all to continue to do more for our planet.  We are also seeing the results of Covid-19 on us, showing that it’s ever more important to continue to be social beings as well as keeping our world safe.

Here at Steel Events, we thought we would suggest a few top tips to help to run a greener meeting, we can help with the organisation, every step of the way.

  • Save the trees – send invitations and event packs by email and add them to the event app, if you have one for the event

  • Location - Choose a location where the most amount of attendees live, for example, the country that most delegates come from or if the event is to be held in the UK, the location where most delegates live to safe travel miles. Or hold a roadshow of meetings so you can have a meeting in each popular location, to avoid the attendees from travelling too far. Having accommodation on-site to avoid delegates travelling back and forth to the meeting

  • Transport - Promote car sharing or arrange to hold your event close to transport links so it’s very easy for delegates to come by train or bus

  • Catering - Cater for exact numbers - it is much better to cater for just the delegates to avoid food wastage and avoid using disposable cutlery, plates and cups

  • Local - Buy local to avoid food miles – choose to shop locally to cut down on transportation with the added benefit of supporting your local businesses. To help to cut down on food miles, also look to buy food seasonally

  • Plastic - Reduce plastic wastage – think of using water foundations and providing delegates with their own reusable water bottles. Avoid using plastic food wrappers where possible.

  • Recycle - Help delegates recycle their waste – provide clearly marked recycling bins

  • Name badges - Collect name badges and lanyards at the end of the event to be reused

  • Technology - Use a venue and AV company that use LED technologies or other low energy lighting alternatives

  • Venue - Choose a venue that is supporting green initiatives

We would be delighted to help put together a greener brief for your event and work with venues to make sure they’re meeting your company approach to climate change, please do get in touch.